Park Side was chosen specifically to address the criteria set forth in Florida’s Grades and Standards and meet consumers’ expectations of what a live oak should look like. This live oak cultivar blends proper branch structure, greater opacity than most clonal or seedling live oaks. Branch attachment is at a greater angle than any live oak cultivar on the market today (most at angles greater than 75 degrees). Mature leaves are dark green in color with new growth having a lighter green shade. As the Park Side grows, it forms many smaller branches off of the larger branches, thereby giving it a very full canopy even at an early stage in its’ development. Park Side has a broadly pyramidal canopy. As the tree matures, its’ canopy is more ovate. The abundance of lateral branches and well-spaced scaffold branches along a single trunk make Park Side easy to prune into a well-structured tree with a dense canopy. With the introduction of Park Side, the live oak specifier can choose a cultivar with correct branch structure and traditional aesthetic appeal.